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To save CPX files UPX (upx.sourceforge.net) must be installed **The program should run on any DOS that is not older than 3.3. It was tested on following systems: MS-DOS 3.3 - no problems PC-DOS 3.3 - no problems MS-DOS 4.0 - no problems MS-DOS 4.01 - no problems MS-DOS 5.0 - no problems MS-DOS 6.0 - no problems MS-DOS 6.2 - no problems MS-DOS 6.21 - no problems MS-DOS 6.22 - no problems MS-DOS 7.1 - no problems FreeDOS 1.0 - no problems FreeDOS 1.1 - no problems PTS-DOS 6.8 - no problems, but in "safe mode" there is a small display bug and cpx2cpi crashes the system ***The program should run without problems on any DOS-based version of Windows. It was tested on following systems: Windows 3.11 for workgroups - no problems Windows 98 SE - no problems There can be problems in NT-based versions of windows: On windows XP there can be display errors with some video cards. It was tested on computers with Windows XP SP3 and on some of them there were display errors. Propably, the video card drivers are responsible for this. On Windows Vista and 7, the system may refuse to launch this program (or any other fullscreen DOS program) or not. It depends on the video card driver. On 64 bit systems the program will not run. ****The program was tested on DOSBox 0.63 and 0.73 and there were no problems. The previous version of the program (1.0) does not run on DOSBox 0.63. No other emulators were tested. The program is not tested on all of the systemsafter every update! ============================================================ 3. Features and limitations The following file formats are supported: 1.FONT - used by MS-DOS, PC-DOS, Windows 1.x, 2.x, 3.x. 2.FONT.NT - used by Windows NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7. This format is not fully supported. Files can be loaded in this format, but can only be saved in FONT format. Windows supports both formats, so this is not a problem. 3.CPX - used by FreeDOS. To save CPX files UPX (upx.sourceforge.net) must be installed The following file formats are not supported: 4.DRFONT - used by DR-DOS Loaded files must meet the following restrictions: 1.Number of all codepages cannot be 0 or bigger than 16. 2.Codepages must have different numbers. 3.Codepages cannot contain 0 or more than 3 fonts. 4.Width of characters in a font must be equal to 8. 5.Height of characters in font must be equal to 8, 14 or 16 6.Fonts in a codepage must have different heights 7.Fonts must contain exactly 256 characters 8.All fonts must be screen fonts, not printer fonts. The following actions can be performed: 1.creating a new CPI 2.loading a CPI file 3.saving a CPI file 4.loading a codepage into VGAmemory using the mode command* 5.editing the appearance of characters 6.creating a new codepage 7.changing a number of an existing codepage 8.deleting an existing codepage 9.creating a new font 10.deleting an existing font *4 a CPI file is saved and used as a parameter to the DOS "mode" command which loads a codepage into the video card memory: mode con:cp prep=((number) path) mode con:cp sel=number This will not work if mode.com or display.sys are not installed on the system. It will also not work on Windows XP or newer or DOS 3.3. DOS will not be able to load the codepage if the CPI file is bigger than 64KB. Do not use this option if the codepage is not finished because you will not be able to read anything you type anymore. ============================================================ 4. Controls Everything can be controlled by the keyboard or mouse (if there is a mouse installed). Action Keyboard Mouse create a new CPI F1 click the "1.new" text save a CPI file F2 click the "2.save" text load a CPI file F3 click the "3.load" text CP into VGA memory F4 click the "4.use" text change CP number F5 click the "5.number" text new font F6 click the "6.newF" text new codepage F7 click the "7.newCP" text delete a font F8 click the "8.delF" text delete a codepage F9 click the "9.delCP" text close the program F10 click the "10.end" text move the cursor arrow keys move the mouse select a character arrow keys* click the character set a pixel Enter left click the pixel unset a pixel Backspace right click the pixel change a pixel Space middle click the pixel switch edit/select Tab changes automatically next codepage PageDown left click the "cp___" text previous codepage PageUp right click the "cp___" text select a codepage click the number on the list next font End left click the "8x__" text previous font Home right click the "8x__" text *The function of arrow keys is changed with Tab. Dialog boxes: Some actions require user input. Type your answer and press Enter. To cancel press Esc or leave an empty string. When asked for a number everything that is not a number will become 0. Command line: cpied [cpifile] - edir cpi or cpx files cpifile - file to be loaded CPI or CPX cpx2cpi cpxfile cpifile [q] - convert cpx to cpi cpxfile - input file, cpx cpxfile - output file, cpi q - no console output ============================================================ 5. Changes beta: - First working version. 1.0 - Change from CGA to VGA screen mode - Support for character heights 14 and 16. - Almost full FONT file format support - Saving CPI files - Command line parameter support - Debug information removed from screen - Fixed Function keys 1.1a - Full FONT flie format support - FONT.NT file format support (read only) - Codepage limit set from 6 to 16 - Creating new CPI's - Creating new codepages - Creating new fonts - Removing codepages - Removing fonts - Failed file load no longer closes the program - Dynamic memory allocation - Optimized functions - Fixed bugs - Language changed to English 1.1b - Optimised graphic procedures - everything works faster - Failed command line file load now closes the program without entering graphic mode - Fixed a bug that crashed the program when loading a file from a long path 1.2a - Added mouse support 1.2b - Further optimization of graphic procedures - Fixed a bug that placed the cursor outside the edited character when switching between heights with the mouse. 1.3a - Added CPX support (read only) - Added a list of codepages which is also clickable - Removed dependancy on Borland's EGAVGA driver: Code ported to Open Watcom, Borland's graphic functions replaced with Open Watcom's equivalents 1.3b - Dialog boxes can now cancelled with Esc or empty string - Added warnings before deleting a font, a codepage or closing the program when a file is open 1.3c - Saving CPX files ============================================================ 6. Planned features - Exporting codepages to CP files - Importing codepages from CP flies - Exporting fonts to bitmaps - Importing fonts from bitmaps ============================================================ 7. Known bugs Filename is not checked for reserved symbols Coordinates of a deleted font are sometimes displayed. ============================================================ 8. Compiling, installing Compiling: Requirements: cpx2cpi: ASM Turbo C cpied: Open Watcom The makefile should be processed by a make program. I used Borland's make, the real-mode version, makeR. Open Watcom's wmake doesn't compile cpx2cpi. Installing: cpied.exe and cpx2cpi.com should be copied to somwere in the %PATH%. On Windows you may register *.cpi and*.cpx file extensions to CPIED. ============================================================ 9. Files CPIED .EXE The CPI editor CPX2CPI .COM CPX to CPI converter CPIED .CPP Source for the CPI editor CPX2CPI .C Source for the CPX to CPI converter CPITRICK.ASM Source for the CPX to CPI converter MAKEFILE Makefile for both programs COPYING .TXT License information READTHIS.TXT This file cpitrick.asm and cpx2cpi.c contain code from FreeDOS mode. ============================================================ 10. Contact information e-mail: balthasar_s@interia.pl rowerynaksiezycu@gmail.com www: http://www.baltixy.w.interia.pl ============================================================