# "makefile" is automatically generated from "makefile.1.mak" # 12.11.2022 # # Copyright (C) 2022 Balthasar SzczepaƄski # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . ifndef TARGET TARGET = release # when want to change target run this first: # make -B TARGET=target_name makefile endif CONFIGFILE = settings-$(TARGET).txt settings.txt # The configuration tool # http://bicyclesonthemoon.info/git/botm-config CONFIGURE = /botm/bin/config/configure.pl CONFIGURE_CMD = $(PERL) $(CONFIGURE) $(CONFIGFILE) CC =gcc CF =-g -Wall L_IL =-lIL L_CGI=-lcgi RM =/usr/bin/rm STANDALONE=\ nofading\ info\ bluenh\ reveal C_STANDALONE=\ standalone-nofading.c\ standalone-info.c\ standalone-bluenh.c\ standalone-reveal.c C_SUBTOOL=\ nofading.c\ info.c\ bluenh.c\ reveal.c H_SUBTOOL=\ nofading.h\ info.h\ bluenh.h\ reveal.h #all: 403 npb npbd npb-ong1 npbd-ong1 bluenh bluenhd insert extract seediff insertframe mremapt-1 compare nofading nofadingd all: enhance $(STANDALONE) makefile: makefile.1.mak $(CONFIGFILE) $(CONFIGURE_CMD) < makefile.1.mak > makefile enhance: enhance.c core.h core.c $(H_SUBTOOL) $(C_SUBTOOL) $(CC) $(CF) -o enhance enhance.c core.c $(C_SUBTOOL) $(L_IL) $(STANDALONE): %: standalone-%.c %.c %.h core.c core.h $(CC) $(CF) -o $@ standalone-$*.c $*.c core.c $(L_IL) $(C_STANDALONE): standalone-%.c: settings-standalone.txt standalone.c $(CONFIGURE) subtool=$* settings-standalone.txt --in standalone.c --out $@ #test: test.c core.h core.c # $(CC) $(CF) -o test test.c core.c $(LF) clean: $(RM) -f enhance $(C_STANDALONE) $(STANDALONE) PHONY: all clean #npb-ong1: npb-ong1.cpp makefile # $(CC) $(CF) $(LF) -o npb-ong1 npb-ong1.cpp # #npb: npb.cpp makefile # $(CC) $(CF) $(LF) -o npb npb.cpp # #403: 403.cpp makefile # $(CC) $(CF) $(LF) -o 403 403.cpp # #npbd-ong1: npb npbd-ong1.cpp makefile # $(CC) $(CF) -o npbd-ong1 npbd-ong1.cpp $(LF2) # #npbd: npb npbd.cpp makefile # $(CC) $(CF) -o npbd npbd.cpp $(LF2) # #bluenh: bluenh.cpp makefile # $(CC) $(CF) $(LF) -o bluenh bluenh.cpp # #bluenhd: bluenhd.cpp makefile # $(CC) $(CF) -o bluenhd bluenhd.cpp $(LF2) # #insert: insert.c makefile # $(CC) $(CF) $(LF) -o insert insert.c # #extract: extract.c makefile # $(CC) $(CF) $(LF) -o extract extract.c # #seediff: seediff.c makefile # $(CC) $(CF) $(LF) -o seediff seediff.c # #insertframe: insertframe.c makefile # $(CC) $(CF) -o insertframe insertframe.c $(LF2) # #remapt-1: remapt-1.c makefile # $(CC) $(CF) $(LF) -o remapt-1 remapt-1.c # #compare: compare.c makefile # $(CC) $(CF) $(LF) -o compare compare.c # #nofading: nofading.c makefile # $(CC) $(CF) $(LF) -o nofading nofading.c # #nofadingd: nofadingd.c makefile # $(CC) $(CF) $(LF) -o nofadingd nofadingd.c #