use Exporter;
-our $VERSION = '1.0.12';
+our $VERSION = '1.0.13';
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = ();
our @EXPORT_OK = (
'read_data_file', 'write_data_file',
+ 'read_header_file',
'url_encode', 'url_decode',
'url_query_encode', 'url_query_decode',
'split_url', 'join_url', 'merge_url',
+# read_header_file() reads a HTTP header file and returns a hash with
+# the header values.
+# The status line is returned under :http-version, :status-code and
+# :reason-phrase.
+# all header field names are converted to lowercase.
+# $file is the path to the file to read.
+# file will be opened, read, and closed.
+# alternatively, $file can be an filehandle for already opened file
+# (or STDIN).
+# in this case a fseek to the beginning will be attempted and file
+# will be read and not closed afterwards.
+# File reading stops at end of header, to be able to resume reading
+# afterwards.
+# $encoding is the text encoding of the file to read.
+# if left empty, this will default to "utf8".
+# encoding of an already opened file will not be changed by this.
+sub read_header_file {
+ (my $file, my $encoding) = @_;
+ my $fh;
+ my %data;
+ my $status_line=1;
+ if ($encoding eq '') {
+ $encoding = 'utf8';
+ }
+ # check if $file is actually a path or maybe a filehandle
+ # filehandles are references.
+ if(ref($file)) {
+ $fh=$file;
+ unless (seek($fh, 0, 0)) {
+ # return %data;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ unless (open ($fh, "<:encoding($encoding)", encode('locale_fs', $file))) {
+ return %data;
+ }
+ }
+ # The name of header field in previous line. Required for header fields that
+ # occupy multiple lines.
+ my $lastname='';
+ while (defined(my $line = <$fh>)) {
+ $line =~ s/[\n]$//g;
+ $line =~ s/[\r]$//g;
+ if ($status_line) {
+ $line =~ /^([^ ]+) +([^ ]+)( +([^ ].*))?$/;
+ $data{':http-version'} = $1;
+ $data{':status-code'} = $2;
+ $data{':reason-phrase'} = $4;
+ $status_line = 0;
+ next;
+ }
+ # $line = decode($encoding, $line);
+ my $name='';
+ my $value='';
+ # Empty line - end of header.
+ if ($line eq ''){
+ last;
+ }
+ # Line starts with LWS. It's a continuation of the previous line.
+ # Concatenate the field value.
+ elsif($line =~ /^[ \t]+([^ \t](.*[^ \t])?)[ \t]*$/) {
+ if($lastname ne '') {
+ $data{$lastname} .= $1;
+ }
+ }
+ # Line starts with a name followed by colon
+ elsif ($line =~ /^([^:]+):[ \t]*([^ \t](.*[^ \t])?)[ \t]*$/) {
+ $name = lc($1);
+ $value = $2;
+ # If there already was a header field with the same name then the value
+ # is concantenated, separated by comma.
+ if ($data{$name} ne '') {
+ $data{$name}.=', '.$value;
+ }
+ # otherwise just save the value
+ else {
+ $data{$name} = $value;
+ }
+ $lastname = $name;
+ }
+ }
+ # If argument was a path the file must be closed.
+ unless (ref($file)) {
+ close ($fh);
+ }
+ return %data;
## URL ##