int r3=0;
do {
- make_tmp_path(in_tmp, 256, 0, "_in");
- make_tmp_path(out_tmp, 256, 0, "_out");
+ make_tmp_path(in_tmp, 256, 0, "");
+ make_tmp_path(out_tmp, 256, 1, ".png");
sub = fork();
if (sub == 0)
- r = execl(BLUENH_PATH, inpix, outpix, ca, cb, cc, cd, ce, cf, (char *)0);
+ r = execl(BLUENH_PATH, BLUENH_PATH, inpix, outpix, ca, cb, cc, cd, ce, cf, (char *)0);
waitpid(sub, &r, 0);
return r;
-// // //Download images and
- // // ENHANCE them!
- // //
- // // Requires cgilib
-// // //line 146 of cgi.h
- // // must be changed
- // // from "extern }"
- // // to "}"
-// // //
- // // ~~bicyclesonthemoon
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#define WGET_PATH "/usr/bin/wget"
-#define ENH_PATH "./bluenh"
-#define ENH_PATH2 "./bluenh2"
-#define RM_PATH "/bin/rm"
-#define LOG_PATH "/eizm/log/bluenh/bluenh.log"
-#define USERAGENT "Bluenhancement\x20("
-#define MSTD_PATH "/pro/bluenh/nh.png"
-int main (int argc, char *argv[]);
-void mustard(int mustard);
-FILE *pix;
-char url[1024];
-char path[256];
-s_cgi *cgi;
-int t;
-pid_t sub;
-int main (int argc, char *argv[])
- unsigned char buf[1024];
- struct stat st;
- unsigned long p;
- unsigned short q;
- char **up;
- bool enh2;
- cgi=cgiInit();
- up=cgiGetFiles(cgi);
- if (up)
- {
- sprintf(path,"%s",cgiGetFile(cgi,up[0])->tmpfile);
- sprintf(url,"%s",cgiGetFile(cgi,up[0])->filename);
- }
- else
- {
- sprintf(url,"%s",(cgiGetValue(cgi,"inpix")!=NULL)?(cgiGetValue(cgi,"inpix")):"");
- sprintf(path,"/var/tmp/%lu",(unsigned long)getpid());
- //Why is there no spawnl() in linux?
- sub=fork();
- if(sub==0)
- {
- t=execl(WGET_PATH,WGET_PATH,"-q","-t","2","-U",USERAGENT,"-O",path,url,(char *)0);
- exit(t);
- }
- waitpid(sub,&t,0);
- if(t)mustard(t);
- }
- enh2=(cgiGetValue(cgi,"bluenh2")!=NULL);
- sub=fork();
- if(sub==0)
- {
- t=execl(enh2?ENH_PATH2:ENH_PATH,enh2?ENH_PATH2:ENH_PATH,path,path,cgiGetValue(cgi,"a")!=NULL?cgiGetValue(cgi,"a"):"0",cgiGetValue(cgi,"b")!=NULL?cgiGetValue(cgi,"b"):"127",cgiGetValue(cgi,"c")!=NULL?cgiGetValue(cgi,"c"):"255",cgiGetValue(cgi,"d")!=NULL?cgiGetValue(cgi,"d"):"0",cgiGetValue(cgi,"e")!=NULL?cgiGetValue(cgi,"e"):"127",cgiGetValue(cgi,"f")!=NULL?cgiGetValue(cgi,"f"):"255","q",(char *)0);
- exit(t);
- }
- waitpid(sub,&t,0);
- if(t)mustard(t);
- pix=fopen(path,"rb");
- if(pix==NULL)
- mustard(123);
- fstat(fileno(pix),&st);
- p=st.st_size/1024;
- q=st.st_size%1024;
- printf("Content-Length: %lu\n",(unsigned long)(st.st_size));
- printf("Content-type: image/png\n\n");
- for(unsigned long i=0;i<p;++i)
- {
- fread(buf,1,1024,pix);
- fwrite(buf,1,1024,stdout);
- }
- if(q!=0)
- {
- fread(buf,1,q,pix);
- fwrite(buf,1,q,stdout);
- }
- fclose(pix);
- fflush(stdout);
- mustard(0);//no mustard
-void mustard(int mustard)
- if(mustard)
- {
- cgiRedirect(MSTD_PATH);
- }
- sub=fork();
- if(sub==0)
- {
- t=execl(RM_PATH,RM_PATH,"-f",path,(char *)0);
- exit(t);
- }
- waitpid(sub,&t,0);
- pix=fopen(LOG_PATH,"at");
- if(pix!=NULL)
- {
- fprintf(pix,"%x %s\n",mustard,url);
- fclose(pix);
- }
- exit(mustard);
\ No newline at end of file
sub = fork();
if (sub == 0)
- r = execl(CP_PATH, src, dst, (char *)0);
+ r = execl(CP_PATH, CP_PATH, src, dst, (char *)0);
waitpid(sub, &r, 0);
sub = fork();
if (sub == 0)
- r = execl(RM_PATH, "-f", dst, (char *)0);
+ r = execl(RM_PATH, RM_PATH, "-f", dst, (char *)0);
waitpid(sub, &r, 0);
sub = fork();
if (sub == 0)
- r = execl(WGET_PATH, "-q", "-t", "2", "-U", USERAGENT, "-O", dst, url, (char *)0);
+ r = execl(WGET_PATH, WGET_PATH, "-q", "-t", "2", "-U", USERAGENT, "-O", dst, url, (char *)0);
waitpid(sub, &r, 0);